Apartment 11D.
Rented by: Game Boy & Game Boy Color
Co-signer: Unknown
Father and son, Game Boy and Game Boy Color, have seen better days.
Their time has come and gone, and no one seems to care. To make ends meet they must live together and split the rent.
It’s tough being a young Game Boy Color and having to share your living space with your old man.
Times have been tough. They recently moved in and have no possessions other than their gloomy faces. Game Boy isn’t taking it so hard because at least he has a roof over his head for once. After his days as the number one handheld gaming device, he has become a jack of all trades. He has been a mechanic, a chef, a bellhop, and an equestrian.
Game Boy Color is still a teenager, so he is taking this poverty and rejection hard. He has gone the darker route in his quest for cash. He has began selling illegal drugs and even selling his body per hour for humans to play. Unfortunately, not many humans want to play him anymore.
The positive to being so broke is that they do not have a television set, so they are spared from having to see commercials for the Playstation Vita and Nintendo 3DS. That would enrage them and get their buttons firing.