Apartment 9D.
Rented by: Anna Michelin
Co-signer: FreezingInferno
Artist’s rendition of Anna Michelin as seen during the “Emerald Incident”, Washington D.C., November 1982.
Anna Michelin is somewhat out of place here. Then again, she’s out of place most anywhere, considering her circumstances. Anna is not of this world, but a dimensional traveler from a parallel universe. She was born sometime in the mid-30th century, on the planet GB404 in the New Freedom galaxy. This fact makes most people of contemporary Earth call her an “alien”, something which Anna will correct you for. She is a normal human, much like any citizen of planet Earth.
Except for her kinetic powers, of course. Anna comes from a long line of psychic heroes, brave souls who defend their galaxy and countless worlds from destruction with their offensive psychic powers. Anna would be classed as a “pyrokinetic” in Earth terms. She prefers the term “kinetic”. Anna herself is quite adept with her powers, and managed to save her planet from destruction at the hands of a thousand year-old menace. Long story short, she and her comrades saved the day and ended the cycle of war and conflict. Now what?
Now she travels across time and space, researching history. Anna is a history buff, and she enjoys visiting the past. One of her favorite haunts was a strange bar that existed in the late 1980s called the “Zodiac Club”. There’s more to that place than meets the eye, but that’s a story for another time. Right now, Anna is researching contemporary Earth as a study project for more adventures. This has led her to taking residence at Dinosaur Dracula’s. It’s a strange place, familiar yet weird. She feels at home here.
The room isn’t completely furnished yet, but Anna’s working on it. She has a television, and has been enjoying Earth movies and programs. On the wall you can see her current favorite, Taken starring Liam Neeson. The thrilling quest of Liam Neeson’s character to save his daughter reminds Anna of the time her cousin Alan was kidnapped by kinetic terrorists, and held for ransom. Those two chumps didn’t last very long once her family got involved. On the other side of the wall, we can see something a little nearer and dearer to Anna’s heart than a simple action movie.
Ah yes, her family. This was the only picture she had on her when she obtained the apartment. She’s been meaning to go back home and get some of her books, and some more items of sentimental value… but it’s risky to fly spaceships in a place like this. The Alexandria will just have to wait where it’s hidden. Back to the point at hand. This is a photo of her father, Matt Michelin. He doesn’t look too happy, but he never really was back in those days. He was a kinetic soldier in the First Foundation War, over twenty years ago from Anna’s perspective. The lovely lady leaning her head on his shoulder is Leigh Michelin, Anna’s aunt. Technically she’s not really her aunt, but trust me… it’s better if we don’t open that can of worms. A mischievous and snarky soldier, Leigh Michelin ended up blasting away her opponents with both words and psychic powers. Anna looks up to the two of them with great respect, and is proud to have them as her family.
We must get going, I’m afraid. Anna must head out and do more research. What a fascinating building this is. So many tenants, so many stories…
(The Michelins were drawn by classy Tumblr user twitchyasstaillow.)