Dino Drac’s January Funpack is here!
I’m late as hell in posting this here January Funpack, but the good news is that all subscriber boxes have already been shipped, and many have already been delivered! If you’re on the list and you haven’t received it yet, be on the lookout in the coming days!
As for everyone else, I only have a couple of spares that I can offer on an individual basis. Too few to leave up an open link, but if you want one, shoot me an email (dinosaurdracula at gmail) and I’ll get back to you if there are any left!
The January 2025 Funpack starts the new year in style, and includes a particular item that I’ve been trying to work into these boxes for years. Very excited to share this one with you! Keep reading to learn about everything in this month’s pack… Read More…
Dino Drac’s 25 Days of Christmas!
Welcome to Dino Drac’s 25 Days of Christmas! From now through December 25th, I’ll be posting a little something, every single day. Remember to check back, because I won’t be plugging this often!
12/25: A Very Oily Christmas!
Merry Christmas to all! Thanks for reading Dino Drac’s 25 Days of Christmas, an old school, barely-plugged feature for the diehards who remember the halcyon days of blogging. I had fun with this, and I hope it added a little spice to your season!
I’m closing out my holiday in typical fashion: With an oily, congealed tin of leftovers from last night’s party. It might be my favorite part of Christmas. After spending half a day trapped in a tin, the various foods lose their individual properties and merge into some new greasy thing that all tastes the same. I love it, and it wouldn’t be December 25th if I wasn’t being useless on the couch with this tray and the last remnants of the Christmas Story marathon.
There are holiday seasons where you thrive, and there are holiday seasons that you barely survive. For me, this one’s run closer to the latter, but just accomplishing everything that needed accomplishing without completely losing my mind seems like a victory worth celebrating. (And I will, with the aforementioned leftovers, and at least three cans of Canada Dry Fruit Splash.)
I hope you’ve all had a wonderful season. Thanks for spending a bit of it with me. Some of us have been in each other’s orbit for over 20 years now, which is pretty incredible. Here’s to many more! Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night! Read More…