Monster Mayhem.

I love monsters, you love monsters.

Let’s share monsters!


This is the Knobby White Spider. He’s part of the Star Wars universe, but moreover the *supplemental* Star Wars universe. (You never saw one in any of the movies, though as you’re about to find out… you actually kinda did!)

These beasts were native to Dagobah, which you’ll remember as Yoda’s retirement home, most prominently featured in The Empire Strikes Back.


Dagobah was basically a planet-sized swamp, looking like an extra fanciful version of our own earthly versions. It was home to many gnarltrees, like the one shown above. These were ugly, twisting trees that sprouted up from the bog, often leaving a kind of organic, woody clubhouse at ground level.

But the really interesting thing? Those horrifying Knobby White Spiders were actually mobile roots that acted as part of the gnarltree’s lifecycle!

They’d break off of adult gnarltrees and spend time acting as indiscriminate predators, before finally taking root to grow into new gnarltrees themselves. So creepy and SO cool!

Read more about the Knobby White Spiders on Wookieepedia, but not before participating in tonight’s discussion:

In the comments, talk about weird monsters from movies, television, games and books that just charm the hell out of you… especially if they’re mostly unknown to the general public.

They needn’t necessarily be “scary” or “evil,” either. Monsters come in all forms. Some have fangs and eat human flesh; others look like Play-Doh and hoard cookies.