Stone Cold!

Well, given the subject of today’s main site article, tonight’s video was an easy pick:

Brian “The Boz” Bosworth stars in Stone Cold, the 1991 box office bomb slash cult classic. It’s a big, loud, dumb movie, but it knows it is, and that’s the fun.

It reminds me of one of those movies my old neighborhood pals would’ve loved. They were “good ol’ boys,” if you’ll take my meaning — the kinds of kids who almost definitely grew up to be huge Nascar fans and who now drink Budweiser exclusively. (I remember tagging along with them to see Best of the Best II in theaters, if that’s any indication.)

It’s also one of those films that practically screams “early ‘90s HBO.” I’m sure that Stone Cold’s reputation was mainly built on late night cable television. I can just picture twelve-year-old me, sitting there with the Boz and a bottle of Mistic.
