
Tonight’s survey is all about CRYPTIDS.


You know, creatures like Bigfoot and the Loch Ness Monster. Those guys. The ones that have cute nicknames even if they eat people.

My questions to you:

1) Which cryptid is/was your absolute favorite?

2) As a kid, which one(s) did you 100% believe in?

3) Were there any cryptids close enough to home for you to consider a local monster?

Here are my answers, hastily written because I’m racing against the clock tonight:

1) I grew up as a Loch Ness Monster fanatic, but these days I’m all about yetis. Specifically the more cartoony versions that aren’t at all accurate if you believe the stories. (Basically, picture Harry from Harry and the Hendersons, but as an albino.)

2) As a kid I believed pretty much all of them. I may have been skeptical about ghosts and space aliens, but cryptids rarely seemed implausible. The most famous examples have since been outed as hoaxes, but for a long stretch, I completely bought the idea of sasquatches in forests and relict plesiosaurs in Scottish lochs.

3) I don’t live in Jersey, but it’s close enough for me to count the Jersey Devil as part of my home team.

Your turn!