House II: The Second Story.

First off, wanna apologize for the admittedly rushed nature of the last several After Dark posts. I mean, they’re meant to be short and sweet, but maybe not so obviously hurried!

*peels back curtain*

So the deal is that while I’m always working on the Funpacks in one respect or another, I have a few days each month when it’s SUPER HARDCORE Funpack assembly/boxing/labeling/shipping. I usually lose two “site days” to that.

This year, I really didn’t want to skip any weekdays for the Countdown for as long as I could conceivably stand it, so I gutted through this week even if it meant working (“working”) what could only generously be described as triple-shifts.

Tl; dr: By the time I finished my regular stuff, I barely had time to say “hi” before midnight.

Fortunately, I’ll have passed the storm as of tomorrow, so hopefully I can do a bit more than drop a YouTube video and run!

Speaking of which:

Guys, House II: The Second Story is AMAZING. Many of you have probably seen the original House, because it’s one of those quirky ‘80s horror movies that achieved cult status by sheer will of gleeful weirdness. Less celebrated is its sequel, which is so unfair, because it’s exactly to the original what Gremlins 2 was to Gremlins. That’s how much they turned up the volume.

Bonus points: It’s as much a sweeping sci-fi epic as a straight-up horror movie, and it ends up being a pretty sweet one, at that. The movie overachieved on every front and comes with my strongest recommendation. I’ve never met a person who watched House II in its entirety and did not like it.