Disney’s Trick or Treat!

Wellp, my computer died about an hour ago. I knew it was coming, but this is gonna suuuuck. Tomorrow I’ll find out if I can grab my files and programs from the old one before dropping it into the sea. Even if I can, I’m in for a shitty weekend of system rebuilding. The only bright side is that I’ll probably have a new computer by the end of tomorrow, wallet be damned. New computers are fun, at least?

I’m using a super flaky older computer to get this post up, which is just a stopgap measure because this machine can’t even handle Photoshop, let alone any of the tougher programs I use. So yeah it looks like it’s tequila tonight, folks!

All that trouble definitely called for something cheerful, so here’s Trick or Treat, a pretty famous Disney short from 1952. Starring Donald and his nephews (always a plus in my book), I believe it’s one of the very few Disney shorts that tackled Halloween in an on-the-nose way. (I could name several Disney shorts with a horror theme, but honestly couldn’t name another that was outright about Halloween. Granted, my brain’s on the fritz at this precise moment.)

I have a “main site” post in the queue, which was half-written before the comp went kaput. Thankfully, the draft is saved online, so I’ll be able to get that up tomorrow no matter what happens with the computer. I’ll also still be able to update Dino Drac After Dark, because hey, it’s easy enough to embed a YouTube video!

Hope your weekend goes more smoothly than mine’s gonna!