The Elephant At The Prom.

So I’ve missed quite a bit of site time during one of the only months when it really matters, and yeah, that sucks. As most of you assumed, I wouldn’t have missed site time in late October unless it was impossible not to. Life, uh, gets in the way. I appreciate your patience and understanding!


I’m going to finish out the Countdown as strongly as I can, though I’ll be honest and say that I’m not 100% where I’ll be landing on videos and the podcast. (In the case of both, they’d be back in November anyway… and yes probably even Madd Matt, because it’s no big deal to put a Santa hat on him.) Still, I have a bunch of “bigger” topics left to cover on the written side, so this should be a good week!

FYI: Throughout my absence I was still on top of the Funpacks and Envelopes of Evil, so everyone who ordered something (barring one or two late orders) should have it by now. Thank you, and hope you enjoyed the goods!

…now, as for Dino Drac After Dark, we’ll just pick up where we left off and make the most of the time we have left! Though I did want to mention that I’m toying with the idea of just letting DDAD go on “forever,” since it actually wasn’t conceived as a “Halloween” feature to begin with.

It’s hard to predict if it’ll still work after Halloween, but I guess it’s worth a shot? Like in November and December, we can still do horror movies, but mix in a bunch of holiday films and specials, too. Any interest?

And that brings me to tonight’s movie…

Get a load of Prom Night III: The Last Kiss, from 1990. I’m gonna be completely upfront: I know NOTHING about this movie. I haven’t even read a one line synopsis. Might be okay, might be good, might destroy you. Only one way to find out.