Droids: The Great Heep!

If you’re old like me, you may remember how Star Wars paved way for both the Ewoks and Droids cartoons on Saturday mornings.

In the case of Droids, the show actually ended with an ABC prime time special — an hourlong mini-movie called The Great Heep, which aired on Saturday, June 7th, 1986.

I was pretty much born a Star Wars addict, so nothing was gonna keep me from watching this. Incredibly, though I’ve only seen The Great Heep that one time, I can still remember the basics: Something about a giant evil droid that acted as a mobile prison camp for other captive droids.

(I’m probably off on the particulars, but something in that area.)

If you’re a Star Wars fan and you’ve never seen the old Saturday morning cartoons, they’re worth a watch, even if only for curiosity’s sake. Both Droids and Ewoks also inspired their own dedicated lines of Kenner action figures, which had the neat byproduct of extending the shelf life of the regular Kenner Star Wars figures by a good two years!