Ghoulies IV!

Man, I’m beat. We spent pretty much the entire day chasing down more old video stores. Long drives, but so worth it. I’ll give you the scoop next week. 🙂

Tonight’s movie is Ghoulies IV. This was the last film in that franchise, and I guess the least interesting of them, since the “Ghoulies” in Ghoulies IV were hardly Ghoulies at all. (Which was extra weird since they brought Peter Liapis back from the first movie. Why go through all of that trouble if you weren’t gonna work in some monster rats and green goblins?)

Still, the movie does have its charms, and I kinda have to say that since I was quoted on the DVD:

…and of course, my quote was only barely grammatical.

Oh well.

Tonight’s survey: I’d call being quoted on the Ghoulies IV DVD one of my favorite really stupid accomplishments. What are some of your favorite *really stupid* accomplishments?

Brag away, in the comments!