Escapism. And Thunderstorms.

Today sucked. Just one of those days when every possible thing goes wrong. I’d go to pour a cup of coffee and end up starting three wars on Mars.

Shit happens and we move on, but it did give me an idea for tonight’s survey:

When life’s full of lemons and you need to escape, what do you do?

Read? Play games? Go for a run? Wash a bag of Combos down with a bottle of wine?

Share your secrets, in the comments!

I’ll tell you one of mine, too:

One of my favorite escapist methods involves looking up horrible doomsday scenarios. I don’t mean the ones that hit too close to home, but stuff like…

What if aliens invaded?

What would happen if Jupiter suddenly exploded?

How long would we survive if Earth was knocked out of its orbit?

Sounds dark, but it soothes me every time.

Speaking of soothing, check out this video:

Nine hours of thunderstorm noises. Now we’re talking!