Free-For-All Friday Thread #3!

Wow, it’s already time for another Free-For-All Friday Thread?!

This week flew!

If you haven’t been around lately, we’re now using Friday nights to chat about whatever we want in the comments. New movies, old movies, pizza toppings, vacation plans, our most beloved types of whales — it’s totally up to you!

Feel free to join in, no matter how late it gets! These threads tend to see action all through the weekend.

Here’s a little “mood music” for ya, too:

Apparently someone made a YouTube playlist of all the spooky songs me and Jay raved about during scattered episodes of The Purple Stuff Podcast. The playlist has more than 30 tracks, covering everything from creepy WWE themes to Elvira’s incredible Monsta’ Rap.

Take it from me (and Jay): There ain’t a bad song in the bunch, and this is perfect background noise for a dark, wet Friday night.

Happy Free-For-All Friday!  :mrgreen: