Yet More Tales from the Darkside!

Here’s another pair of Tales from the Darkside episodes, because it’s that kinda night:

“My Ghostwriter – The Vampire”

“Florence Bravo”

I still consider this series the “mascot” of Dino Drac After Dark, which is ironic since any posts about it are doomed to get low amounts of reader interest. I’LL TURN ALL OF YOU INTO FANS. YOU JUST WAIT AND SEE.

But nah, the thing is, even *I* know that this is a “you had to be there” situation. Newer viewers are gonna embrace the select few great episodes and discard the rest, but for someone like me, there’s literally no “bad” episode of Tales from the Darkside.

It’s all about the mood they create and the memories they muster. I can’t hear that opening music without picturing my childhood bedroom and its junky television, or those long, empty weekends, when shows like this acted like surrogate friends.