Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Cartoon!

Things got busy today, but I was determined to make it through the Countdown’s first official “work week” without missing a day. Thank God for forty gallons of coffee. If you missed it on the main page, Classic Creepy Commercials is back!

Tonight’s video makes me extra glad that I solicited suggestions from you guys, because y’all are finding awesome stuff that I’d never even heard of before.

Suggested by Jason H., here’s a mysterious and obscure Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde cartoon from the late ‘80s.

I know nothing about its history, so I’ll let Jason handle that part:

“Back in the late ’80s, before the original Nicktoon trio got debuted, Nickelodeon had a bunch of random Canadian and British imports playing all the time. Among them was an odd series of book and story adaptations. I don’t know if they ever had a formal name, or if they were just a series of hour long mini-movies.

“Here’s a pretty straightforward adaptation of ‘The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde’ that I remember playing a lot at the time. This one always stuck with me for including Hyde getting poisoned to death at the end.”

I think I’m gonna dig this!