Apartment 14A.
Rented by: BROGG
Co-signer: Harry
This is Brogg, one of the seven Squirmoids of the sub-crust.
Squirmoids, by their nature, are vile, puss-filled bullies that never return the things they borrow, but Brogg hasn’t borrowed a thing in years, and bullying is not his game.
Instead, Brogg stays at home, warm and en-wombed in the walls of his apartment; where all are welcome and none dare go.
Brogg watches the news on his Morphy Richards portable television set and cannot fathom what he sees; why people hurt each other, and why they never return the things they borrow. Instead Brogg switches over to cartoons. He likes every cartoon he has ever seen.
Sitting in an apartment watching cartoons doesn’t sound like much of a life, but it is Brogg’s life.
This is Brogg. You know where to find him.