Chilling Challenge! (#6)

For this week’s Chilling Challenge, all ya gotta do is RECOMMEND SOMETHING.

Obviously, I mean something with a tie to the Halloween season. (Even if it’s a very small tie.)

Could be a movie, a TV show, a book, a video game, a type of candy, whatever!

I’ll start. Stephen King’s The Mist. Meaning the book. Or novella. Story. Whatever you call it.

It’s actually the only Stephen King book I’ve read. I picked it up at an airport after seeing the movie, and devoured the whole thing on one single flight.

As much as I adore the film, I like the book even more. There are some big differences, including a wildly different ending. (I don’t want to spoil things, but I strongly prefer the book’s ending!)

Your turn! Think about something you love, and leave a comment pitching it to everyone else!

(To view last week’s Chilling Challenge, click here.)