Welcome to Dino Drac After Dark!

What’s this about, you wonder?


Dino Drac After Dark is a side blog that will only be updated after midnight. It’s for dark and spooky things, yes, but it’s really just a hangout for night owls who need a break from social media.

Every night, check back here for a tiny-sized post. Remember, participation is key. Whether I post a survey, a random YouTube video or some other nonsense, the whole point of Dino Drac After Dark is to give people a place to converse (in the comments section, duh) and chill.

A mysterious banner will appear on Dino Drac’s main page after midnight, which’ll tell you that Dino Drac After Dark is again open for business. (That banner will vanish every morning, so while you technically could visit here during sunnier hours, it’s mostly meant for late nights.)

Let’s get started!


Tonight’s movie is Voyage to the Prehistoric Planet, from 1965. I suppose by today’s measures it would be considered boring, but it’s exactly the type of film that captures the spirit of Dino Drac After Dark. This place is for those long, lonely nights when you’re not looking for bombastic entertainment so much as a simple sense of companionship-via-media.

Voyage to the Prehistoric Planet — like Dino Drac After Dark — is just meant to add a little noise to the silence.

The whole movie is on YouTube, so I’m guessing it’s in the public domain. I don’t expect anyone to watch it like they would a “normal” movie, but since it features alien dinosaurs, hey, you could do worse.


If nothing else, it’ll be pleasant background noise as you plow through a sleeve of Ritz crackers while guzzling Mountain Dew Pitch Black. That’s what you’re here for.

God, I love the night.

Enjoy the movie… and also Dino Drac After Dark!

Let’s fuel the fire with a survey:

What are some of your favorite “background noise” movies? I’m not talking about your actual favorite movies, here. I mean the ones you habitually watch when you want something making lights and sounds, even if you don’t necessarily want to pay close attention to it. Could be because it’s a bad movie, or maybe simply one that you’ve already seen it 200 times.

Tell me and everyone else, in the comments!

(PS: My stock answer for this is Heathers, which is a great movie, but one I’ve literally seen more than a hundred times. I don’t watch it often nowadays, but there was a point in my life when I put it on every single night, and sometimes even twice a night. Content and quality aside, Heathers is a pretty quiet film with a “deliberate” pace — perfect for those nights when your eyes and ears are too tired for fast cuts and audio peaks.)