Dino Drac After Dark

My Mom’s a Werewolf!

Tonight’s movie is My Mom’s a Werewolf, from 1989. I had to watch this for work many years ago (seriously), so I can vouch for it. It’s ridiculous, yes, but totally worth watching:

John Saxon plays a werewolf, even though he’s really playing a vampire. (This movie habitually borrows vampire traits for its werewolf stuff, to the point where Saxon is basically doing a bad TV movie version of Dracula.)

Anyway, Saxon’s werewolf zeroes in on a suburban mom, turns her into a werewolf, and comedy ensues. It’s super cheesy stuff, but I don’t think you’ll regret watching it.

I’m still surprised that this film never achieved much of a cult following. (Though maybe I shouldn’t be. Until its recent inclusion on one of those cheap multi-pack DVDs, the movie was almost impossible to find.)

Enjoy! The real world blows right now, so a silly werewolf movie from 1989 is just what the doctor ordered.

Double Dragon!

Get a load of Double Dragon, from 1994:

Despite what I’d consider a good dose of star power for such a low-on-the-pole movie, I can’t say that this big screen adaptation of the classic video game series quite worked. Actually, from what I remember, it’s pretty damn bad.

Still, I think it’s worth a half-distracted watch on a lazy Saturday night, if only to see the extremely ridiculous movie version of Abobo.

Enjoy! Preferably with alcohol.

The Super Inframan!

Thanks to my bud (also named Matt) for reminding me about this one.

Here’s The Super Inframan, from 1975:

The deal: I was probably 9 or 10 or so. My brother and his wife were babysitting me, and I chose Inframan (the simpler title of the English dub that was released in the U.S.) off the rack at their local video store.

I can only imagine that my already-established love for Johnny Sokko prompted me to do so. I only saw the movie that one time, but boy has it stuck with me. The two things I remember most:

1) A classic scene where Inframan defeats a giant bug monster in its shrunken state by stepping on it like a cockroach.

2) Inframan having a giant ass tear in his cheap suit throughout a whole protracted sequence.

I don’t remember the plot or many of the details, but picture Godzilla mixed with Power Rangers mixed with Play-Doh.

It’s totally worth watching, even if you’ll have to spend an hour reading to do so. (Well, unless you can understand Japanese, in which case I’m jealous.)

The Toys That Got Away.

Let’s skip the video tonight and just do a little survey…

Name a toy that you DESPERATELY wanted as a kid… but never got.

Don’t be afraid to go into detail!

The Cobra Terror Drome playset was one of my biggest white whales. I still consider it the coolest playset I’ve never owned. (I know that G.I. Joe aircraft carrier gets more pub, but a wheel-shaped evil hideout was sooo much more my speed.)

Your turn!