Dino Drac After Dark

Law Enforcement Guide To Satanic Cults!

With a title like Law Enforcement Guide To Satanic Cults, it’s gotta be good.

Released in 1994, this was just another direct-to-video doc that preyed on our satanic fears with all sorts of exaggerated stories and outright malarkey.

I have such a thing for these docs. They were like A Current Affair mixed with a bunch of terrible horror movies. Silly enough to giggle at, but spooky enough to make the night seem darker.


(Well, maybe “enjoy” is the wrong word.)

Super Mario World!

Here’s some pleasant background noise for you on this holiday weekend — a complete playthrough of Super Mario World, for the Super Nintendo:

God I loved this game.

Slumber Party Massacre II!

Tonight’s movie is Slumber Party Massacre II, from 1987:

I’ve been dying to see this. As as I understand it, the sequel is completely nuts, and plays out like a goofy spin on A Nightmare on Elm Street.

(FWIW, I have seen the first movie in this series, and it’s a favorite.)

Tonight’s survey:

Let’s borrow the theme from tonight’s movie.

As a kid, did you ever have sleepovers with your friends? Share memories in the comments.

Two of my best sleepover memories:

1) The time me and my childhood best friend turned my entire living room into a giant tent, using every blanket in the house and several handfuls of tacks. We spent the night eating Crunch Berries and watching rented WWF tapes.

2) The time me, that same friend and his older brother played Castlevania at his house until practically dawn. This was in his brother’s room, which was downstairs and perpetually dark. I remember there being a decided air of spookiness to that sleepover, which was way cool.

Your turn!

Commercials from Halloween III!

Here are 20+ minutes’ worth of commercials that aired during a TV broadcast of Halloween III on October 29th, 1987:

May they make you as happy as they made me.