Dino Drac After Dark

The Garbage Pail Kids Cartoon!

Here’s the first episode of the Garbage Pail Kids cartoon series, which I swear was a real thing that existed:

The 1987 series never aired in the United States, thanks to a buncha grumpy adults who complained loudly enough. I picked up the whole series on DVD a while back, and then promptly buried it at the back of a mostly-inaccessible shelf. So yeah, this’ll be my first time seeing it.

Given that it was conceived as a Saturday morning series, I can’t imagine that it will be nearly as disgusting as the stickers or the terrible movie were. Let’s find out!

Fangoria’s Weekend of Horrors!

Take a look at my latest purchase:

What a beauty! Fangoria’s Weekend of Horrors is a 1986 documentary that delves deep into the twisted world of horror conventions. I admittedly bought it just for the incredible cover art, but it’s still a way cool video.

…which is on YouTube on its entirety. Enjoy!


Thanks to everyone who mailed in suggestions for future Dino Drac After Dark videos. Got some great ones!

Tonight’s was suggested by Brew Berry. Get a load of Krull, from 1983:

It’s a wacky sci-fi movie that I’ve still yet to see. Admittedly, whenever I bring up Krull, people tell me not to bother. Still, it looks like an amazing cheesefest and I don’t know if it has to be good to be good, if that makes sense.

Actually, I have tremendous nostalgia for Krull despite never having seen it, all thanks to its old videocassette:

I used to stare at that box every time we went to our neighborhood’s first video store, and it emotionally crippled me. That store’s horror/sci-fi section was suspiciously right next to to its rack of Disney movies, so there was no avoiding those creepy boxes.

For me, the Krull box was right up there with the Ghoulies box. Scared me to pieces, yet I was so weirdly enamored with it. No movie can live up to that art, but I hope Krull comes close.

PS: If you missed it, Dino Drac’s March Funpack is now on sale!


Just a quick note!

I haven’t forgotten about Dino Drac After Dark… just been unusually busy at unusually late hours this past week!

We’ll resume regular videos starting tomorrow. On that note, I’m open to any and all suggestions! Feel free to drop a comment or email me. If your video suggestion is used, I’ll credit ya, too.

Hope you’re all doing well!