Dino Drac After Dark

Friday the 13th: The Series!

Well, God knows if more than 2 people will see this, considering that I’ve slacked on updating Dino Drac After Dark this week. (My apologies. I have the flu!)

Since we just posted an all-Friday the 13th episode of The Purple Stuff Podcast earlier today, tonight’s pick was easy:

Behold, the very first episode of Friday the 13th: The Series, from 1987. Keep in mind, the show had nothing to do with Jason, and only borrowed the title as a cheap trick to lure viewers. It did share a producer with several F13 films, though!

I don’t remember much about the show, other than that it was a twist on the standard “anthology” horror series in that it had a set cast. The awesome opening sequence provides a tour of a creepy antique shop, which hints at the hook of the series: Each episode is about some haunted artifact from the shop that the stars need to retrieve… before it’s too late.



Yeah, Hellraiser. What could be more perfect for Valentine’s Day?

So let’s assume that you’ve never seen Hellraiser, and also that you’re not much into horror just yet. Boy, this movie is NOT a good place to start.

Hellraiser isn’t one of those “fun” horror movies. It’s moody, gory and GROSS. It’s also really goddamned good. It still amazes me that Hellraiser ever even approached the mainstream.

While typically lumped in with them, it’s just so much darker than any of Freddy or Jason’s movies. I have great affection and respect for this film, but I’d be lying if I said that I watched it often. To this day, it’s really more a movie you endure than enjoy.

So, endure!

Winning Survey.

Let’s try another survey tonight:

In the comments, name the best thing you’ve ever WON, be it through a contest, sweepstakes or whatever.

Weird survey, I know. It was the best I could come up with in the 10 seconds I have left before midnight.

Saturday Night’s Main Event!

Went to an NXT live event last night, if you were wondering why there was no After Dark update. For those who don’t follow wrestling, NXT is basically the WWE’s minor league — a place for newer stars to find their footing before they’re called up to the big stage. Great show!

So between that and the fact that it’s Saturday, this seemed like a fitting pick for tonight. Here’s Saturday Night’s Main Event, from November of 1989. (The video title says it’s from October, which is technically true, but it didn’t air on TV until the following month.)

Even a lot of non-fans remember this show, which occasionally ran on NBC instead of SNL. Even the lamest of ’em always had that “big event” feel, and I have so many wonderful memories of staying up late to watch Macho Man do his thing.

(In fact, I’ve already written a whole tribute to another SNME episode!)