Dino Drac After Dark

Splurge Survey.

We haven’t done a Dino Drac After Dark survey in a while, so let’s skip the videos for one night.

I want to hear about your most ridiculous SPLURGES.

I’m talking about things that you definitely didn’t need and probably couldn’t afford, but just HAD TO HAVE anyway.

Spill it, in the comments!

(There’s no sense in naming my own — you’ve seen them on Dino Drac before. All in all, I’d say that those TMNT Pork Rinds are pretty indicative of my splurging habits. If I think I’ll never have a shot at buying something again, that’s when I cave. And then I sit around crying because they turned off my phone and I can’t even eat the pork rinds. It’s a vicious cycle.)

TFTD: The Last Car.

Here’s another one of my favorite Tales from the Darkside episodes. Actually, it might be my second favorite story from the whole series:

The Last Car is one of TFTD’s strangest offerings. A young woman on a routine train ride finds herself frustrated with the trip’s unusually long length. The train never makes any stops, and the few passengers sharing her car seem oddly ambivalent about it. She feels as if she’s been riding that train for days. Has she?

To be honest, even after seeing this episode dozens of times, I’m still not 100% sure what it was about. Were they all stuck in purgatory? Or maybe some random time loop that just happened to affect this one train? Course, there’s always the possibility that the story was just weird for weirdness’s sake, but it’s more fun to look for a meaning.

If you watch it, I’d love to hear your theories. (And you should watch it. It’s creepy and perfect for the dark.)


Hello! Yeah, I missed a few days. The important thing is that I’m here now.

Tonight’s movie is Parasite, from 1982. Hard to believe that I’ve never seen this one, and a Google Image Search confirms that I really should’ve. I’ll warn you, it’s definitely for mature audiences and not something you’d want to watch in front of young people or old people or actually any people.

If you’re on the fence about it, check out Parasite’s theatrical trailer. Wow.


Oh, man. Tonight’s video is a treat. If you don’t remember the old Werewolf TV series, it was blessedly cheesy ’80s nonsense. You’re gonna love it.

…and you’re gonna love this video even more, because:

1) It’s the uncut movie-length pilot from 1987.

2) …from a later broadcast during USA’s legendary Saturday Nightmares block.

3) …with all original commercials!

Big thanks to Jamey for the tip. Enjoy, everyone! I may never find a video that personifies Dino Drac After Dark as well as this one.