Dino Drac After Dark

Masters of the Universe!

Wow, I can’t believe this one was just sitting on YouTube, and in an official capacity, no less. Here’s the awesome (don’t let anyone tell you differently) Masters of the Universe movie, from 1987:

You don’t need to be a He-Man fan to get into this one. The live action adaptation of the cartoon is like Star Wars meets Back to the Future, and I absolutely adore ALL OF IT.

Enjoy! (And happy new year, because this is my first chance to say it!)

Rudolph’s Shiny New Year!

Yes, Rudolph had a New Year’s special, too!

Rudolph’s Shiny New Year premiered on ABC back in 1976. Enjoy!

New Year’s Evil!

Tonight’s movie is New Year’s Evil, from 1980. (As if you couldn’t tell from the title, yes, it’s a horror movie.)

I had to watch it for work several years ago, and from what I recall, it was… not so bad? I mean, you have Roz “Pinky Tuscadero” Kelly and the goofy guy from Killer Klowns, so by default it could only be so bad.

RIP, Carrie Fisher.

As bad as the situation sounded, I always expected that Carrie Fisher would pull through, I guess because it seemed unfathomable that she wouldn’t. This was Carrie Fisher, after all — it seemed just a safe a bet that she’d post a video from her recovery bed, acting like it was no big deal.

We lost a tremendous person today.

I was glad to see that most of today’s tributes paid more attention to her as a person than a movie character, because that’s how it should be, and Fisher was way too interesting, complex and awesome to just say “Leia Leia Leia” and be done with it.

At the same time, I grew up on Star Wars and it’s super hard for me to separate her from that universe.

One of the biggest blessings of The Force Awakens and its associated hubbub was getting to see Carrie Fisher embraced by a whole new generation, and remembered by several previous generations. Even in her “driest” spells Fisher never had a lack of fans, but it was just wonderful to see her having fun on Twitter, warmly interacting with well-wishers, but never pretending to be anyone she wasn’t.

I hate that she won’t get to ride that wave for the next few years, and just feel the love.

I guess it’s good to look at the brighter sides when things like this happen, and in Fisher’s case, there are several. In many ways she will live forever, not only through her work — be it onscreen or as a writer — but through her unique bluntness in talking about issues that are still tough to be honest about in 2016. It’s like she was eternally without a filter, yet so smart and sharp that she always said the perfect thing.

We’re all gonna miss her.

Tonight’s marginally-related video is From Star Wars to Jedi, the old “Making Of” TV special. Even after all these years, it’s still great.