Dino Drac After Dark

Christmas Music Videos!

Weird thing: I love Christmas music to death, but I’ve hardly seen any of the associated music videos. (In fact, I’m often surprised to find out that some of the famous songs even HAD videos!)

It’s so weird to look them up now, because in some cases I didn’t even know what the singers or bands looked like, and spent 20 years formulating mental images that only rarely matched up with the truth.

Here are assorted music videos for pretty famous Christmas songs, because we’re like three seconds from Christmas and I’ve already used up my Garfield and Snoopy cards:

Okay, so that last one isn’t technically a “proper” music video, but I still love it.

In other news, I’m probably gonna keep Dino Drac After Dark going after the holidays. It’s been slow on the comment side lately, but I’ve still heard from enough readers to feel good about it. Will try to work in more surveys and stuff, too!

Finders Keepers!

Here’s a Christmassy episode of the Finders Keepers game show. (Jeez, I seriously have not seen even ten seconds’ worth of Finders Keepers since I was a kid!)

I’m excited to check this one out. I barely remember the show but definitely remember being a fan. For a while there, it seemed to be just as popular as Double Dare.


Ziggy’s Gift!

Wait, so you’ve never seen Ziggy’s Gift? Time to correct that:

The television special debuted in 1982 and went on to win an Emmy. Though time has rendered it obscure, most who remember Ziggy’s Gift hold it in high esteem. It isn’t really “funny” nor is it as breezy a watch as most animated Christmas specials, but it’s pretty touching stuff with a couple of legit tearjerking moments. Give it a shot!

Pluto’s Christmas Tree!

If I did things correctly, this should post automatically at night, LIKE MAGIC.

(By the time anyone reads this, I’ll be out drinking tequila. Which is just what the doctor ordered, frankly.)

Here’s one of my favorite Disney shorts, and definitely my favorite Christmassy one.

Pluto’s Christmas Tree, from 1952, more properly belongs to Chip and Dale, who infiltrate Mickey’s humble abode to marvel at his awesome holiday decorations.

The shots of the chipmunks wandering around the tree’s decorated branches RULED MY WORLD as a kid, and still does. It’s because of this short that I adopted a childhood tradition of taking a few cookies and action figures to go lay directly under our family’s Christmas tree, and just stare upward for an hour while using plastic Star Wars characters as my surrogate Disney rodents.

Enjoy. For me, it just isn’t Christmas without this silly cartoon.

In other news, we got our first snowstorm last night. Well, “storm” may be overstating the case, but we got enough snow for me to make my first and potentially only snowball of the season.

It’s the little things.