Dino Drac After Dark

A Charlie Brown Christmas!

Guys, it’s here! DECEMBER! Augh!


I’m in the middle of building a Christmastastic post to kick off Dino Drac’s big month, but I didn’t want to leave you hanging. Let’s start December with a true classic. Here’s A Charlie Brown Christmas:

Okay yeah, it’ll be on television, and it’ll probably be on television more than once, but I don’t think an extra viewing will hurt you!

Dated? Maybe, but I can’t imagine the Christmas season without it. (Not hyperbole, either. I honestly cannot remember a single Christmas season that slid by without me watching this at least once. Everything from the jingle of Lucy’s coins to the reveal of the “refurbished” tree still gets to me.)


Sonic Christmas Blast!

Here’s Sonic Christmas Blast, from 1996:

If I’m reading things right, the special served as a coda for the Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog cartoon series. Expect lots of yelling and bright colors. Enjoy!

Cabbage Patch Kids First Christmas.

Let’s break tonight’s entry into sections, just for kicks.


1) The main page just got its annual Christmas facelift, with an all-new header from the amazing Jason Week. (I know Thanksgiving is over, but can I add Jason to the “Things I’m Thankful For” list?)

2) The Christmas Jukebox has been reactivated. Look for the jukebox graphic on the right-side column of any page on Dino Drac. (That this silly playlist has become a traditional part of many readers’ holiday celebrations warms my heart. It hasn’t been updated since 2008, but tying it back to earlier versions, some of you have been listening to that jukebox for over 10 years now!)

3) There’s also a new article — the first of this year’s editions of Classic Christmas Commercials. (Nice assortment in this one, too. They’ll make you wanna knit things and drink spice.)


I think we’re overdue for a good one.

In the comments, name three of your favorite childhood Christmas presents. (Or presents you got for whatever it is that you celebrate.) Let’s make 15 the age cutoff.

I’ll go into greater detail in the comments if I can’t fall asleep, but my quick picks: The Star Wars AT-AT (it was like getting a second dog), the Coleco ALF plush doll, and let’s throw in The Legend of Zelda.


….well, tonight’s TV special, at least.

It’s The Cabbage Patch Kids First Christmas, from 1984. Even if you don’t want to watch it, at least admit that you want to be able to say that you’ve watched it. So just do it.

The Honeymooners?

Super random pick for tonight, because we like to mix it up here on Dino Drac After Dark.

Here’s a Christmassy episode of The Honeymooners:

Strangely enough, I did watch The Honeymooners fairly regularly as a kid, and probably still as an early teenager. If I’m remembering things right, the reruns were a staple on WPIX, which aired them late at night as the final “real” show before hours of infomercials.

The opening voice-over (“Jackie Gleason! The Honeymooners!”) used to piss me off, as it signaled the end of my nightly marathons and meant that the best thing left on television was… well, this. It couldn’t compare to shows like Cheers, but the truth is that I grew to like it.

It’s been many years since I’ve seen The Honeymooners, but I still can’t think of it without remembering those oddly sweet times when I was looking for any excuse to stay awake, tiptoeing to the pitch black kitchen to steal more handfuls of Saltines.