Dino Drac After Dark

Thunderstorms and Garbage Pail Kids.


I figured that Dino Drac After Dark would do okay, but I definitely didn’t expect the first entry to blow past 200 comments!

Course, that one was attached to the Halloween Countdown’s big intro. We’ll see how many of you remember to visit this place without such heavy prompting. 😳

During last night’s survey about background noise movies, a few of you mentioned things that were really just background noise. Hey, that works too! Take the video above, for instance. Several hours’ worth of thunderstorm noises, set to one static image.

I loooove videos like this. They’re great to go to sleep to (seriously, try it), but they’re just as awesome when you wanna make things like drawing or reading a little less infuriatingly quiet. Read More…

Welcome to Dino Drac After Dark!

What’s this about, you wonder?


Dino Drac After Dark is a side blog that will only be updated after midnight. It’s for dark and spooky things, yes, but it’s really just a hangout for night owls who need a break from social media.

Every night, check back here for a tiny-sized post. Remember, participation is key. Whether I post a survey, a random YouTube video or some other nonsense, the whole point of Dino Drac After Dark is to give people a place to converse (in the comments section, duh) and chill.

A mysterious banner will appear on Dino Drac’s main page after midnight, which’ll tell you that Dino Drac After Dark is again open for business. (That banner will vanish every morning, so while you technically could visit here during sunnier hours, it’s mostly meant for late nights.)

Let’s get started! Read More…