Dino Drac After Dark

The Unsolved Mysteries Halloween Special!

Hey, why not?

From October 1988, here’s the Unsolved Mysteries HALLOWEEN SPECIAL — that being a regularly-scheduled episode that made use of its late October airdate with an ALL-GHOST theme.

As some of you may remember, I wrote about this special several years ago. It’s mostly notable for the inclusion of the Tallman’s Ghost segment, widely considered to be *the* scariest ghost segment in the history of the series.

PS: This vid might pair well with the latest Purple Stuff Podcast. Check the main page. We’re talking about witches!

A New Thread Rises.

Can I just say how much I love the fact that Dino Drac After Dark quietly chugs along, even without any attention from me, or really from anything?

I know there’s a banner that magically appears on the main page after midnight, but in the social media age, with most traffic going directly to articles, I don’t think there’s that much main page traffic in the wee hours. Yet, here you are.

It’s pretty awesome. I know the lack of updates can be frustrating, but they’ve had the neat side effect of turning After Dark into pretty much what I always wanted After Dark to be. A hidden, hopefully-pleasant escape not just from real life, but from internet life.

Some nights, that’s exactly what you need. Hell, lately, I’ve needed a few of them myself.

That said, you’ve waited long enough for a new thread. So here ya go.

As a video component, I’m including a playlist full of 1990s movie trailers. “1990s” seems to be the only tie that binds the selected films, which run the full genre gamut. Come for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, stay for Volcano.

1980s Cartoon Intros!

Since the latest Purple Stuff episode was all about TV themes, I thought this would be a fitting video for After Dark:

Enjoy an immense collection of over 100 cartoon intros from the 1980s, ranging from Inspector Gadget to Rainbow Brite. So much good stuff, so many great songs!

1985 ABC TV Preview!

So a short while back I made some amazing VHS scores — all homebrew stuff, loaded with vintage commercials. By the time they hit YouTube they’re just… more videos on YouTube… but man, some of my finds were extraordinarily cool and rare.

I love rescuing those tapes, because I so often find ads, shows and snippets that really haven’t been archived anywhere else.

Here’s one of my finds from those tapes — a ten-minute ABC promo that ran at the tail-end of 1984, previewing the network’s lineup for 1985.

To be honest, I’m not familiar with most of the shows/things covered, and I doubt that many of you will be, either. It’s still super interesting to see. Enjoy, and happy Friday!

PS: If you missed it on the main site, there’s a new podcast and a new Funpack, waiting for your ears/wallets.