Dino Drac After Dark

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Cartoon!

Things got busy today, but I was determined to make it through the Countdown’s first official “work week” without missing a day. Thank God for forty gallons of coffee. If you missed it on the main page, Classic Creepy Commercials is back!

Tonight’s video makes me extra glad that I solicited suggestions from you guys, because y’all are finding awesome stuff that I’d never even heard of before.

Suggested by Jason H., here’s a mysterious and obscure Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde cartoon from the late ‘80s.

I know nothing about its history, so I’ll let Jason handle that part:

“Back in the late ’80s, before the original Nicktoon trio got debuted, Nickelodeon had a bunch of random Canadian and British imports playing all the time. Among them was an odd series of book and story adaptations. I don’t know if they ever had a formal name, or if they were just a series of hour long mini-movies.

“Here’s a pretty straightforward adaptation of ‘The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde’ that I remember playing a lot at the time. This one always stuck with me for including Hyde getting poisoned to death at the end.”

I think I’m gonna dig this!

Mutant! (1984 Film)

Tonight’s video probably isn’t a great choice for a lousy Wednesday, but I’m so tickled that it’s on YouTube:

This one was suggested by Justin P., aka CosmicSparky. It’s MUTANT, the 1984 film that I assume only a small percentage of you have heard of.

I’ll let Justin describe the treasure:

“A woefully unappreciated horror flick about road-tripping brothers — one played by the wonderful Wings Hauser — who stumble into a small town with a monster problem. Local pollution is turning residents into bloodthirsty mutants, and Wings must team up with the sheriff, Bo Hopkins, to make things right again. The pair would later star in an unofficial action-centric remake called Nightmare at Noon.”

Mutant isn’t one of those movies you can pick up on the fly and immediately embrace. (Well, it isn’t for most people, at least.) You gotta be in the right “rainy Sunday, I ain’t moving” kinda mood. Save it for when you are!

The Haunted Mouth!

Tonight’s video was suggested by Retrosnacktive, and trust me, you won’t soon forget it:

The Haunted Mouth is a 1974 educational short about the horrors of gum disease, and I do mean horrors. Cesar Romero voices the spirit of plaque, and the whole thing looks like a cross between Clue and The House of the Devil.

Cheesy yet terrifying, like all of the best stuff is!

1980s Twilight Zone Episode!

Here’s another gem from Ginyu Recoome, and actually one of Ginyu’s own uploads:

It’s an episode of the 1980s Twilight Zone TV series, which is largely ignored these days. (Honestly, even I forget to mention it when listing off spooky ‘80s anthology shows, and I was obsessed with them.)

This particular episode aired in 1986 and features three standalone segments, including one based on a Stephen King story. Ginyu even left in the original commercials, so let’s pretend we’re on our old couches back in ‘86. I’ll bring the Tato Skins.

PS: I did manage to film a video for tomorrow, and assuming I don’t hate it, it should be up by noon.