Dino Drac After Dark

Call for Halloween Videos!

Okay guys, it’s time for my annual plea for y’all to send in video suggestions to carry After Dark through the Halloween season!

The Halloween Countdown begins next Friday night, and will last through October 31st. Dino Drac After Dark will be updated every single night throughout those 2+ months, so I need all of the videos I can get!

Good suggestions would include, but are not limited to:

– Full horror movies.
– Halloween TV specials or animated specials.
– Spooky-themed sitcom/cartoon episodes from the ’80s and ’90s.
– Commercial compilations.
– Haunted/spooky documentaries.
– “Friendlier” Halloween stuff for the non-horror crowd.
– You may also suggest SURVEY TOPICS instead of or in addition to videos.

…course, feel free to get creative, too! The videos needn’t necessarily be super long, so if you find a good one that’s only a few minutes, that’s cool, too.

To submit a suggestion:

Email me at matt @ dinosaurdracula.com

Please include the following info:

– NAME you’d like to be credited with.
– NAME of video.
– LINK to video. (YouTube preferred, but can work with Dailymotion.)
– DESCRIPTION of video — can be as long or short as you like, really, but try not to go beyond a couple of paragraphs.

Thanks so much for participating, should you choose to! The Countdown is a busy time of year for me, and if I do it right, there definitely won’t be time to go on a massive video hunt every single night. You’ll be doing your part to keep After Dark active through its most important season!

Stupid Talents Survey.

Random survey night!

What are some of your stupid talents?

(And by “stupid” I guess I mostly mean odd or offbeat — but stupid is cool, too.)

I’ll start: I can write upside-down and backwards nearly as fast as right-side up and forwards. I can only do that trick if I write in all uppercase letters, but basically, if you’re sitting across from me, I can lean over the table and write you a letter that you won’t need to flip over, just as quickly as one you would. Dumb enough?

Spill it, in the comments!

Commercials from ’88!

Here’s a collection of TV commercials from 1988. The audio is fuzzy and they’re a little washed out, but somehow, I think you’ll live:

These were recorded close to Halloween, though I don’t know if any of ’em are Hallo-themed. Looks like they were grabbed during late night sitcom reruns, so picture watching them while falling asleep. (Actually, that shouldn’t be hard to do!)

Free-For-All Saturday: 8/11 Edition!

Well, the web in general seems pretty dead tonight, but if you’re around, here this week’s Free-For-All Saturday Thread!

Talk about whatever ya want, in the comments.