Dino Drac After Dark

Charlotte Rae.

Tonight’s pair of videos is in tribute to Charlotte Rae, who passed away yesterday. I was and remain a huge fan of her work, to the point where The Facts of Life is still in regular rotation on my DVR.

On that note, here’s one of my favorite “goofier” episodes of The Facts of Life, titled Store Games. It’s from Season 5, when the girls spent most of their time baking croissants:

Of course, some of you might remember Rae better for her turn as the pink-haired villain in The Worst Witch:

It’s sad to say goodbye, but it’s nice to know that someone you enjoyed and admired lived a long life to its fullest.

MTV 1980s Documentary!

Hey gang! Hope everyone had a good weekend. It was brutally hot here throughout, but nothing a well-placed pumpkin candle couldn’t remedy.

Apologies for the lack of main site content as of late. In addition to prepping for the Halloween Countdown — which I think we can agree is more important than updating in lousy early August — I’ve been working to raise cash on the side for a new video camera. (The one I’ve been using for my vids is from like six years ago now, and since it was already a “budget” camera, it’s just not cutting the mustard anymore. I’d like the Countdown videos to start with better-looking footage.)

And on the Countdown front, I’ve started mapping out the articles and videos I’d like to do, and I’m loving some of the stuff that’s in this year’s mix. Stay tuned.

(I do feel like I should come up with something for the main site to put a button on Cruel Summer, though! Still thinking on that one.)

Anyway, video time…

Here’s MTV Decade, a documentary about the 1980s as told by MTV. I haven’t watched it yet, but what should make it interesting is the fact that it aired in 1989, when perspectives about ‘80s trends and doings were largely still being formed. Put another way, I doubt that this will have nearly the same tone as an ‘80s documentary produced in 2018.


Free-For-All Saturday Thread, 8/4!

Hi! It’s Saturday night!

Time for a Free-For-All Thread.

Talk about whatever!

Vampire Vixens from Venus!

I’ve never even heard of this movie before tonight, and freely admit that I’m only running it because of the title.

Vampire Vixens from Venus was released in 1995, and that’s about the extent of what I can tell you about it. The film has a 1.5 star rating on IMDB and no Wikipedia entry.

Synopsis, yanked from Google: “Venusian drug smugglers try to survive on Earth by transforming themselves into beautiful women and sucking the lifeblood from men.”

Usual content warnings apply — I’m assuming this is “mature” content, and the absolutely bizarre stuff I’m seeing as I scan through seems to back that up. Enjoy, if you dare!