Dino Drac After Dark

Free-For-All Saturday Thread!

Another Saturday, another Free-For-All Thread!

Talk about whatever ya want.

(May I suggest some of the trailers that dropped at SDCC? Because that Godzilla one is KILLER.)

For background noise, here’s the soundtrack from Tales from the Darkside: The Movie, captured on vinyl. It’s pretty great, and it meshes well with all of the rain we’re getting here tonight.

The Return of Dracula!

Congratulations, you made it to Friday. I feel like we all need to chill, so here’s something slow and hazy:

Get set for The Return of Dracula, from 1958. I’ve never seen it and have no idea if it’s “objectively” good, but that’s irrelevant. Sometimes you just wanna watch something that makes you forget the world you live in, and a black-and-white Dracula movie from the late ‘50s should do that job nicely.

I don’t expect you to give this movie your full attention, so just consider it pleasantly macabre background noise as you go about your business. Feel free to talk about whatever you want in the comments, since I doubt that The Return of Dracula will inspire much discussion on its own!

March 1989 TV Commercials!

Here’s a ton of TV commercials that aired back in March of ’89:

Looks like there are around 100 different in this batch, covering everything from Pizza Hut to The Pat Sajak Show. Enjoy!

Happy Survey!

Yesterday, I challenged you to name the saddest movie moments.

Tonight, I want you to name some of the happiest.

In the comments, name a movie scene (or two, or three) that just makes you riotously happy.

Could be because it’s hilarious, could be because it’s heartfelt, could be because it’s Amy from Congo wearing a makeshift Power Glove.