Dino Drac After Dark

Freaky ’80s Halloween Commercials!

Here’s a batch of “freaky” Halloween commercials from the ’80s. Some gems in here for sure!

Enjoy. (And sorry about not posting yesterday — was finishing up this month’s Funpacks orders! Normal site stuff resumes tomorrow, finally!)

Threequel Trailers!

Here are assorted trailers for classic horror movie threequels:

Halloween III (1982)

Dream Warriors (1987)

Hellraiser III (1992)

Leprechaun 3 (1995)

Child’s Play 3 (1991)

Wanna play along? Search YouTube for other great THREEQUEL trailers, and post ’em in the comments.

(Make sure they’re somehow Halloweeny!)

TV Commercials from October 1984!

Found this one earlier… looks like it has potential!

It’s a collection of TV commercials that aired on October 27th, 1984. Most of them aren’t spooky, but the opening minute alone is worth the click. (Trust me on this!)

Saturday the 14th!

We’ve run this one before, but it’s soooo perfect for tonight:

Enjoy Saturday the 14th, a cheesy-as-hell horror spoof from 1981 with some surprisingly impressive monsters.

Love this weird movie. Hope you will, too!