Dinosaur Dracula!
  • The 1990s Windows Mystery Screensaver!

    Back in the late ‘90s, I bought my first computer. It was hardly the first computer that I’d messed around on, but it was the first one that was all mine. I customized the shit out of it. By the time I was through, I don’t think there was a single default sound still in

    Treasures from the Halloween 4 Pharmacy!

    So, here’s something weird. I love Halloween 4 to death, yet the film doesn’t even crack my top 3 from that franchise. I’ve never considered myself nearly the Myers nut that so many of my friends are, but here I am, sweating over whether Halloween 4 beats Halloween H20 or not. Hallow

  • Dino Drac’s 2018 Halloween Countdown HAS BEGUN!

    There was this guy, Francis Bacon. English philosopher during the tail-end of the 1500s. I don’t know much about Mr. Bacon, but he had one really great quote: “In order for the light to shine so brightly, the darkness must be present.” Welcome to Dinosaur Dracula’s 2018 Halloween C

  • Purple Stuff: Spooky Songs Part V!

    Ask and you shall receive! Well, not usually, but this time. If you’ve been hankerin’ for a new Purple Stuff, we’re finally ready to deliver: Yes indeed, we’re kicking off the 2018 Halloween season with our fifth installment of SPOOKY SONGS. This week, me and Jay from The Sexy Armp