Favorite Spooky TV Commercials?

Today’s “main site” article went up way late, so if you darted here without noticing it, go watch all of the original commercial breaks from the 1985 CBS premiere of Garfield’s Halloween Adventure.

Huge dose of nostalgia in that one. (And well-timed, since we just had that whole After Dark discussion about Garf!)

That article inspired tonight’s survey, too:

What are your favorite spooky TV commercials of all time?

They don’t necessarily have to be Halloween commercials, but let’s at least exclude stuff like horror movie TV spots. I mean real commercials for stupid things, like chocolate and toys and video games and Tilex.

Feel free to include links to YouTube if your lovelies are on there.

I’m too fried to commit to any answers right now, but once I have dinner (at midnight) and go stare at the moon, I’ll add mine to the comments. For now I will only state that this one will probably make the cut:

The Sunkist Spooky Fruit ad, which I covered back in 2012 and still think about regularly.

I want to live in that world. I don’t care if it hurts.