Halloween 2021: Week 7!

Welcome to WEEK 7 of the 2021 Halloween season!

What a whirlwind these last few days have been. I really wanted to get a new video onto the site, but between the podcast bonus show and especially the Funpacks, responsibilities had to come first. (With the new USPS delays, it’s super important that I get this month’s boxes out in a timely fashion!)

The good news is that after this weekend, I’ll be (mostly) free and clear for the remainder of the season. Gonna be a crazy two weeks, as I’m aiming to do three videos in that timeframe, and we still have our regular podcast to do, too!

For the moment, though, I’m just about to close up shop for the night, and if I think I have enough left in me, I’m gonna throw on Halloween Kills. I figure I better do it now before social media manages to spoil every last moment of the film.

This is your free-for-all thread for the week. Talk about whatever ya want! For background noise, up above is a playlist stuffed with old horror movie trailers. Everything from The Evil Dead to They Live!