My Mom’s a Werewolf!

Tonight’s movie is My Mom’s a Werewolf, from 1989. I had to watch this for work many years ago (seriously), so I can vouch for it. It’s ridiculous, yes, but totally worth watching:

John Saxon plays a werewolf, even though he’s really playing a vampire. (This movie habitually borrows vampire traits for its werewolf stuff, to the point where Saxon is basically doing a bad TV movie version of Dracula.)

Anyway, Saxon’s werewolf zeroes in on a suburban mom, turns her into a werewolf, and comedy ensues. It’s super cheesy stuff, but I don’t think you’ll regret watching it.

I’m still surprised that this film never achieved much of a cult following. (Though maybe I shouldn’t be. Until its recent inclusion on one of those cheap multi-pack DVDs, the movie was almost impossible to find.)

Enjoy! The real world blows right now, so a silly werewolf movie from 1989 is just what the doctor ordered.