Oh my. It’s here. Already.

A pumpkin carved for halloween and lit from within


I’m excited and I’m terrified. Excited because hey, THIS IS THE MONTH. Terrified, because I feel like I was just championing September’s arrival five goddamned minutes ago.

Hey, kids? When people warn you about time seeming to move faster as you grow older, believe them. Believe the hell out of them.

So yeah, I’m happy that it’s October because October rules, but I don’t like knowing that I only have ONE MONTH to cram in every last morsel of Halloween fun. Of course, my anxiety is tempered by the knowledge that when it’s all over, I’ll get giant balloons and big plates of stuffing.

Tonight’s special OCTOBER survey:

1) What’s the best “Halloween thing” you did in September?

2) What’s the biggest “Halloween thing” you have planned for October?

Tell everyone, in the comments!

(TBH, I was so busy with the site that I didn’t actually get out and DO much during September. I guess that trip to Wayback Burgers would be my #1, dumb as that sounds. As for October, no big plans yet, but I always try to spend at least one October evening getting blasted in a cheap hotel. It’s become a bit of a tradition.)

Oh, and since it’s both October 1st AND the weekend, it’d be criminal to not give ya something to watch:

It’s the original House on Haunted Hill, from 1959. I’ve seen its most famous scenes (they’re hard to avoid, even in GIF form) but I’ve never bothered to watch the whole thing. That changes tonight. I f’n love the remake from 1999, so I’m sure I’ll be okay with this one, at the very least.