Retro Halloween Commercials Mega Mix!

Happy Friday, everyone! Hope it’s fun and freaky. Here’s something big to set the mood:

I went through my YouTube channel to make a playlist of almost 70 spooky TV commercials from the ’80s and ’90s. These are all ads that I personally saved from old VHS tapes. You’ve seen many of them on the site before, but there are some surprises in the mix, too. This will push all of your favorite buttons. Covers everything from old toys to old cartoons, TV specials, horror movies, junk food and more. Just let it play!

Let’s add a SURVEY tonight, too:

In the comments, name some of things you that simply MUST do before Halloween. Could be plans that are already set in stone, and could be stuff that’s still only in your head. Could be as big as a vacation, could be as small as carving a pumpkin.

Make a little list and post it in the comments. Be as descriptive as you feel like being — you might inspire fellow After Darkers to explore new horizons in the process!