Spooky Survey Night!

I think we’re long overdue for a survey, huh? I’m gonna go ahead and drop it on a dead Wednesday night, and just hope for the best. Hoping it pulls some of you lurkers out of the woodwork. You know who you are!

Picture it. Halloween, 2019. Or really the Saturday before, because it falls on a Thursday this year, and that blows.

You’re SICK. Not too sick to eat, not too sick to watch a movie, but definitely too sick to go anywhere, and too sick to sit on a computer all night.

Basically, you’re in your bed or on your couch, and that’s how you’re gonna spend Halloween.

Name ONE movie, ONE dinner, ONE candy, and ONE surprise element to make this terrible Halloween feel a little less terrible.

Make the most of this wretched imaginary Halloween. The “surprise element” can be whatever you want.

Here are my own answers:

MOVIE: I want something interesting, but also something I haven’t seen ten trillion times. I’d also like to avoid anything too gross, because I’m sick and stuffing my face while watching this. Let’s go with Sleepy Hollow.

DINNER: Oh wait, I’m sick AND it’s Halloween? That means all bets are off. Pizza it is. And not “chain” pizza, either. I mean the place around the corner — the one with the red-and-white checkered tablecloths. They make great pizza. Let’s put pepperoni and black olives on that shit, too.

CANDY: My brain says “pick something chocolate,” but if I’m sick, I think I’d want something sweet. Like the Halloween version of a cough drop. Let’s go with Starburst. An endless supply of Starburst.

SURPRISE ELEMENT: Reading isn’t much fun when you’re sick, but I think I’ll risk it. Get me one of those Time-Life Enchanted World books from the old Vincent Price commercials. Perfect for Halloween!

YOUR TURN! Let’s hear from you in the comments. Don’t be afraid. Nobody here bites. (That’s probably untrue, but they don’t bite here, at least.)