Dinosaur Dracula!

Old Halloween Newspaper Ads, #1!

Ready for some thick Halloween nostalgia? Of course you are. That’s your drug and I’m your dealer. Our relationship is sketchy and has been for years.

Down below: Five spooky newspaper ads from the ‘80s and ‘90s.


The “Hannibal Voorhees” Mask!
(Walgreens, 1993)

Cheap hockey masks (or “Jason masks”) have arguably been the most ubiquitous costume accessory of the past several decades.

Certain companies may utilize better materials or add goofy gimmicks, but the “standard” mask — a chunk of white plastic with a simple strap — is as easy to find today as it was in the mid ‘80s, when Jason Voorhees was a much fresher face.

Shown here is one of that mask’s famous spinoffs. After The Silence of the Lambs, Hannibal Lecter became an unlikely star of the Halloween season, thanks chiefly to the restraint mask he wore while trolling Ruth Martin.

Plastic replicas were common, but even more popular was this version, which blended Hannibal’s restraint mask with Jason’s hockey mask to create something familiar but altogether distinct.

The dueling references were lost on me as a kid, but they’re plain as day to see now. Though certainly more popular in the ‘90s, these masks still pop up today. Read More…

Five Random Action Figures, Part 31!

Certain Dino Drac features take a break during the Halloween Countdown, but not Five Random Action Figures. I know where my bread is buttered.

But since we are in the spooky season, any editions published between now and Halloween will feature scary monsters exclusively. That’s partly to maintain the theme, but mostly because I love photographing action figures over beds of cheap phony moss. You can’t do that with or in April.


a2Pudgy Pig
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (1994)

Ah, my favorite MMPR monster! I haven’t seen the episode featuring Pudgy Pig since high school, but even after 20 years, it’s hard to shake the visual of a bulbous piggy head in a legionary helmet strolling around on showgirl legs.

I thought the first few waves of Power Rangers toys were a mixed bag. The line’s most popular and/or expensive offerings generally struck me as being the most cumbersome, with the more intricate ones working under the same principle as Jenga stacks. On the bright side, Bandai almost never messed up the monsters.

Could there have possibly been a more perfect representation of Pudgy Pig in action figure form? So good. Dig the pig. Fine swine. Read More…

The Official Ghostbusters Burger?!

I’d never heard of Wayback Burgers before last night, when a pal on Twitter told me that I had to locate one and travel there and eat things and take pictures and basically throw caution to the wind with respect to every other facet of my life except THIS one.

And he was right.

Today I saw God, in the form of a weird cheeseburger with a little plastic Ghostbusters thing stabbing into its bun.


In what seems like a riotously overblown promotion for the new Ghostbusters Blu-ray release, Wayback Burgers — a chain of not-so-fast food joints similar in scope to Johnny Rockets — has reworked their menu to include 300% more Ghostbusters food. Read More…

Purple Stuff: More Spooky Songs!

Labor Day marks the spiritual end of the summer season, so for any of you holdouts who were desperately trying to resist pumpkin spice lattes and 1986 Beistle decorations, it’s time to STOP THAT!

Thank God.


…so now that we’re undeniably in the Halloween season, the latest episode of The Purple Stuff Podcast is completely on-point. This week, me and Jay from The Sexy Armpit are revisiting one of our favorite topics: SPOOKY SONGS.

Get set for another ten ghoulish tracks to add to your Halloween playlist. We’re covering everything from Don’t Fear The Reaper to the goddamned Unsolved Mysteries theme.

Give us a listen by clicking the giant, ugly play button down below! Read More…