Dino Drac’s August 2016 Funpack!
If your heart says “Halloween” but your brain won’t let you fully commit in August, I have just the thing for you!
Dino Drac’s August Funpack blends summer with autumn, and should give you just enough spooky fuel to get through this miserable month!
For the new kids: I sell monthly Funpacks. Subscriptions are $25 per month (including shipping), and you can cancel at any time without penalty.
The Funpacks fund the site, and at this time of year — when I’m buying all sorts of things to cover during the two month Halloween Countdown — subscriptions are super important to Dino Drac’s health!
In trade, you’ll keep getting boxes of awesome goodies for as long as you stay subscribed!
Scroll to the bottom of this post for complete ordering information, or read on to see everything you’ll get in the August 2016 Funpack!
This month, there are over ten items in every box! I aimed to give everyone a big dose of Halloween, but also mixed in enough other stuff to keep people from blowing their wads too early.
You’ll get stuff to read, stuff to play with, stuff to decorate your walls with, and even stuff to eat!
Every subscriber will receive ALL of the following: Read More…
The Halloween Countdown IS COMING.
Dinosaur Dracula’s 2016 Halloween Countdown begins on Saturday, August 27th!
I have such sights to show you! Just… not quite yet. 🙂
So, a warning: Most of August will be pretty light on the content front. Once the Countdown starts, I’m married to the site through the end of December. I typically take this month to get my ducks in a row before I’m all out of free time.
There will be articles posted this month… just not very many!
Right now, I’m focused on gathering the materials necessary for a strong Halloween Countdown, which will include at least 40 new articles/videos/podcasts before it’s over. (Plus whatever assorted side dishes that I cook up — and trust me, some are already on the grill.)
The Halloween Countdown began back in 2003, which makes this my fourteenth year at bat. (Ha! Bat.) I’m hoping to make this year’s one of the best ever. Stay tuned! Get psyched! Read More…
Five Random Action Figures, Part 30!
In this edition of Five Random Action Figures: A robot, a lion and a sentient chicken leg. It’s as if Baum toked extra before writing about Oz.
Kenner’s Star Wars Collection (1978)
R5-D4 was Uncle Owen’s first choice, and were it not for the droid blowing its motivator at the precise right moment, R2-D2 might’ve never gotten the chance to save the galaxy.
(Fun fact: Additional Star Wars materials suggest that R5-D4 was Force-sensitive and fritzed out on purpose, all for the greater good.)
The movie version of R5-D4 was kind of inelegant, lacking the little touches that made R2 seem so anthropomorphized. The same can’t be said for the original Kenner action figure, which is totally adorable and one of my favorites from the set. When I divorce myself from Star Wars lore, it’s even cooler than R2’s figure.
Every R5-D4 figure that’s come out since has been more faithful to how “he” looked in the film, but if you ask me, the droid just isn’t the same without candy button eyes. Read More…
Opening a can of TMNT Pasta from 1991.
I don’t know why I’m even bothering with an intro. You’re just gonna skip ahead to the rotten pasta. Hey, I don’t blame you. I’d do the same.
Behold, a sealed can of Chef Boyardee’s Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Pasta, from 1991. Well, a formerly sealed can… DUH NUH NUH NUH NUHHHHH.
I have big collection of still-sealed Chef Boyardee cans, and I’m normally happy to leave them that way. But this one… this one was different. The gloppy pasta had clearly mutated, perhaps as a clever nod to the lean green fighting machines.
When I shook the can, I heard what sounded like a golf ball. Know that scene in A Charlie Brown Christmas, where Lucy keeps jingling her bootleg tip jar? This was the Frankenstein version of it.
The clinks and clanks pleaded for further inspection. I’ll never hear the song of the Sirens, yet I feel I already have. Read More…