Dinosaur Dracula’s Halloween Art Expo!
Guys, you didn’t let me down. I think it’s safe to say that Dinosaur Dracula’s Halloween Art Expo was a rousing success. Dozens upon dozens of you participated, with no promises of prizes, kudos or anything else. You rule, and so do your fucking bizarre works of art.
I can’t tell you how many times I gushed while going through the entries. I gushed, I laughed, and in a few cases, I might have even gotten a little misty. Such amazing stuff, and now it’s time to share it.
I didn’t want to do anything that could be construed as “judging,” so I’m offering no additional commentary on these. As for the order they’re presented in, it’s the exact order that they were received. I strongly suggest that you don’t skip the later pages, because it just gets more and more incredible as you go along.
And hey, artists: To keep things level, I’m only providing the title of your work. (In some cases, I had to make them up.) I know that some of these have longer stories attached, so feel free to join in the discussion and explain just what in God’s name was going through your heads.
Again, you’re all awesome. I’ve been doing Dino Drac for months now, and this has made it feel so much more like home.
NOTE: There are twelve entries on each page. I’ve amassed the first 72 entries here, but I’ve already gotten several more. Will update this section when more pages are added! If you plan to contribute, remember, you only have until Sunday at 12 PM EST.
UPDATE, 2:15 AM: Just added pages 7-8. We’re up to 96 submissions! (Yeah, I won’t disqualify you if this ends up going over a hundred. Actually, it already has!)
UPDATE, 1:30 PM: Okay, we’re all done. All 122 entries are up.
Off we go! Read More…
Make me some spooky art.
This weekend, I’m leaving the site’s content in your hands. Read More…
Candy Corn Oreo Cookies!
Unless you spent all of Friday completely Internet-free, you’ve heard the news. The kings and queens of Nabisco must be dancing, because the entire world has become positively drunk with glee over their latest offering:
Candy. Corn. Oreos.
Like I wasn’t going to hunt these down the second I heard about them. Still, it figures that I’d hear about them while dressed as a three-headed alien, wearing blue makeup. Even so, it just took a shower and a trip to Target to turn September 7th, 2012 into a day I will never forget. If this sounds like too much of a fuss for cookies, you’re reading the wrong website.
CANDY. CORN. OREOS. Usually, all Nabisco gives us for Halloween are those black Oreos with the orange filling. They’re fun, but dammit, I’ve been writing about them for ten years already. I needed something new.
I’m obviously the type to hum church songs over Halloween cookies, but not everyone is, and I’ve been shocked by the Internet’s united excitement about these Oreos. Seriously, everybody is talking about them. Everyone has an opinion about Candy Corn Oreo cookies. Obama could call a live press conference and spend it morphing into a giant airbreathing coelacanth, and Candy Corn Oreos would still trend ahead of it.
I can’t remember a time when I was more proud to be a citizen of Earth. Read More…
Vlog: The Cloneheads Alien Costume Kit!
Imagine a costume that gave you two extra heads, gold skin and a bib with the planet Saturn on it, for one low price. It sounds impossible, but in 1983, it happened.
Distributed by Spearhead Industries, the Cloneheads collection was a series of inflatable Halloween costumes that, among other things, gave you two more heads. Spearhead wasn’t the first to do this gimmick, and they were far from the last, but their Cloneheads series mixed a great vintage feel with such a generic charm that, at least for today, it’s my favorite thing in the whole wide world.
Tomorrow, it’ll probably be those Candy Corn Oreos. Yeah, I heard.
A demonstration:
My “Alien” set is pretty rocking, what with its extraterrestrial robot heads and Saturn smock. Still, when I look back at the other Cloneheads sets, I can’t say that it would’ve been my top pick. Read More…