Something’s Coming.
Dino Drac’s Cruel Summer begins 6/9. (Nice.)
Get excited!
I’ll be back with regularly-scheduled stuff next week — but expect some biggies in June!
Dino Drac’s May 2018 Funpack is here!
It’s here, it’s finally here! Dino Drac’s May Funpack is ready to give you a nostalgia rush and a sugar rush. It may also help you accessorize. Get a load of the goodies:
There are over a dozen items in this one, running the gamut from hardcore retro collectibles to an adorable candy pizza. I envision y’all fiddling with the treasures on some otherwise terrible weeknight, because nothing chases the blues away faster than Bartman and Captain America.
Usual spiel: Funpack subscriptions are $25 a month (including shipping), and for as long as you remain subscribed, you’ll get a new package of old, cool junk every single month! You can cancel at any time without penalty, of course!
There wouldn’t be a Dino Drac without your subscriptions, so on top of getting a bunch of fun things, you’re also helping to keep the site going!
Scroll to the bottom for more info, or keep reading to see everything you’ll get in the May Funpack! Read More…
Five Retro TV Commercials, Part 26!
In this edition of Five Retro TV Commercials, we’re celebrating everything from Kool-Aid to Sunny D. And also a few things that aren’t drinks.
Super Naturals! (1987)
A line like Super Naturals could’ve only happened in the ‘80s, when the action figure market was white hot. By today’s standards, even massively-pushed brands with associated toons and movies would never get toys this intense.
The main figures were each a bit taller than He-Man, with holographic torsos that alternated between human and monster forms. Snakebite, for example, could change from a snake charmer into a literal cobra. (Guess which form I preferred.)
You could easily argue that Super Naturals was the best of the 1980s “limited” toy lines — meaning the ones that came and went with little outside support. I loved these figures as much as I’ve loved any figures, and I never had to hear one voiced by Chris Latta to get there. Nice work, Tonka! Read More…
Five Retro TV Commercials, Part 25!
Time for another batch of ‘80s and ‘90s TV commercials, pulled from my ginormous collection of half-rotted VHS tapes. Get set for Ninja Turtles, Slurpees and gratuitously creepy PSAs.
Turtle Power Hotline! (1990)
Kids! Call this special 900 number to listen to songs from the live-action Ninja Turtles movie! Add five bucks to your parents’ phone bill just to hear Partners in Kryme’s Turtle Power!
Yeah, it would’ve been more cost effective to just buy the soundtrack, but it’s not like we cared enough to do the math. I could totally see the me-of-then sneaking a call, and for all I know, I did.
More interesting than the hotline was the commercial for the hotline, which featured everything from mixed aspect ratios to an iffy Ninja Turtles impression. “It’s almost as cool as pizza!” Read More…