Lady in White!

Got a good one for ya tonight. Here’s Lady in White, from 1988:

Now granted, I’ve never seen it, but Jay’s always raving about this movie. You might remember it from one of the early episodes of the podcast.

The key point is that the titular ghost is played by Katherine Helmond — goddamn MONA of Who’s the Boss? fame. So there’s really no way it’s bad.

In sadder news, today I learned that my hometown dropped a Toys “R” Us and one of its oldest movie theaters. (Maybe THE oldest, come to think of it.)

They were right next to each other in a really iffy strip mall.

This wasn’t my main TRU, but over the years it served as an awesome backup. It was also one of the rare TRUs that had a truly (TRUly?) great clearance section, stuffed with all sorts of old stock. I’m gonna miss it. Every TRU has its own identity, so it’s not like I can get the same exact flavor from another store.

The movie theater is an even bigger loss. Don’t get me wrong: It was wretched even in its heyday, to a locally legendary degree. But that was also its charm. It was notoriously small and unkempt, but in a world where every theater is getting bigger and more advanced, it was nice to have one that looked like the set of a breakup scene from an ‘80s sitcom.

The last movie I can remember seeing there was Spawn, back in ‘97. Which was pretty much the perfect movie to see there.

Wish I’d gotten to experience these places one last time before they imploded, but I guess getting to take photos of their corpses is a nice consolation prize.

PS: If you missed it, Dino Drac’s April Funpack is now on sale!