Dino Drac After Dark

Free-For-All Friday Thread #14!

Hey guys — it’s Free-For-All Friday again!

Talk about whatever you want in the comments. Tonight is all about YOU!

It’s the last Friday of September, so make it count!

Side note: I always hate to bury “media” pieces on the main page almost as quickly as they’re published, so if you missed them this week, there’s a new Madd Matt video and a new Purple Stuff minisode!

Want a little background noise for tonight’s thread? Okay, got you covered:

Here’s the whole Hocus Pocus soundtrack, as suggested by KelseyW!

Kelsey adds: “Hocus Pocus is one of my all-time favorite movies. The soundtrack screams fall and Halloween to me. I have an early childhood memory of my sister and I running around the living room to a certain part of the end title music while my babysitter watched in amusement. To this day, I try to watch this movie once or twice during every Halloween season.”

Happy Free-For-All Friday!

Early ’90s Fox Kids Halloween Commercials!

Daaaaamn, here’s a really great pick from jjwspider:

It’s a huge block of kid-targeted TV commercials that ran on Fox Kids during the 1992 and 1993 Halloween seasons. An absolute treasure trove of nostalgia.

From jjwspider: “I believe it was in 1992 when Beetlejuice showed up with some other Universal Monsters to host the Saturday morning lineup. Take a look at the 7:56 mark for his first appearance. There are some other gems like the “Jason/Michael Myers” appearances on Bobby’s World (9:05) and the Home Alone 2 ad (11:03).”

So many goodies in here. Enjoy!

Scary Video Game Enemies!

Here’s a very cool vid that was suggested by Matt. (Meaning a different Matt. Though I wouldn’t mind swiping the credit.)

It’s the Top 80 Scary Enemies in Video Games, put together by a popular YouTuber that I’ve never heard of, because this is sooo not my wheelhouse.

Even so, I know a good vid when I see one. This was obviously well-researched, and the narration is restrained enough to be more complementary than obtrusive.

I can’t wait to fall asleep to this!

Casual Tuesday Thread!

Sorry, didn’t have time to get a post ready for tonight.

Instead, here’s a casual Tuesday thread to talk about whatever!