Dino Drac After Dark


Hey, it’s Friday night! May you spend it with wine and pretzels and some dumb old movie.

I can help with part of that:

Here’s Slugs, from 1988. The title doesn’t mince words, but in case you didn’t know, yeah, it’s about killer slugs. Killer mutant slugs, at that. It’s gory as hell, so I wouldn’t recommend watching it while eating pasta or anything.

If you’re not into Slugs, let’s try a survey tonight, too. (No idea if it’ll sail since I’m keeping quiet about Dino Drac After Dark until I prove that I can update it regularly again, but whatever, if only two people respond, only two people respond.)

In the comments: Name your favorite dead store chain. (If it’s local, make sure you tell everyone what they sold!)

This isn’t my favorite, really, but I’ll give a shout-out to Waldenbooks. I can’t remember the last time I saw a smaller-sized bookstore in a mall, and I miss the hell out of them. Way back when, Waldenbooks was my preferred supplier for Far Side books, Garfield treasuries, wrestling magazines and the occasional video game strategy guide.

Attack on Titan!

So, my deal with Attack on Titan is that I was obsessed with it for about a week. I can’t remember exactly where I left off, but the show never seemed to top its first few episodes.

…and here’s the very first of them, from 2013. (English dub. Sorry, purists.)

In a nutshell: The sad remains of society hide behind walls because there’s a horde of giant, scary monster people who will stop at nothing to eat them. (Literally eat them, I mean.)

It’s such an amazing premise. I wish I could tell you that the rest of the series was exactly like this, but it’s not. (Which isn’t necessarily a bad thing, mind you. Certainly Attack on Titan has more fans now than ever!)

Before anyone asks: No, I haven’t read the books. I never read the books. I just latch onto shows three years too late, plow through a box of Triscuits while filling in the gaps on a random wiki, and then move onto the next thing.

Terror in the Aisles!

Wow, I really screwed the pooch on After Dark, huh? Days became weeks, weeks became more weeks, and eventually it got to the point where not updating After Dark became the new normal.

Well, whatever, I’m still all-in on the idea of there being nightly threads with random videos, so let’s give this another go. Here’s Terror in the Aisles, from 1984:

(Thanks to Terry, who suggested this one in the previous thread.)

Terror in the Aisles is a documentary about horror movies, hosted by Donald “Dr. Loomis” Pleasence. It’s admirably restrained, offering a not-so-cheesy and fairly serious look at the horror genre while trying to decipher its appeal.

It screams “TV special” but was actually released in theaters, though I suppose that shouldn’t be surprising considering the number of R-rated clips peppered throughout. (IIRC, there are some pretty heavy scenes in this one. You’ve been warned.)

Fun fact: I’ve managed to keep Terror in the Aisles on my DVR since July of 2011. At this point it’s an obsession. I never watch it. I just like having it there. I imagine that it will someday win me an obscure longevity award.

RGB’s Saint Patrick’s Day Episode!

Tonight’s video was another suggestion by Brew Berry, and it’s perfectly timed:

Yep, The Real Ghostbusters kinda sorta had a Saint Patrick’s Day special!

Watch it. For luck.