Dino Drac After Dark

The Return of Swamp Thing!

As mentioned, I wanted to start populating After Dark with spooky vids early, so new folks won’t be looking at months-old posts when I start “advertising” this place again once the Countdown starts. (In exactly one week! Wheee!)

You guys came through with another killer batch of suggestions for the 2019 season, including this one, from Jason H:

Behold, The Return of Swamp Thing, from 1989. It’s another one of those movies that’s “officially” free of charge on YouTube, even if that probably means that it won’t be available for a particularly long time. Seemed like a great pick to get our Halloween preseason started, as it bridges summer and autumn perfectly!

Jason adds: “I remember being a big Swamp Thing fan back in the day, into the cartoon series when no one else was, and this movie in particular over its more somber prequel. The Wes Craven original is probably a better movie, but there was always something about the Troll-esque transformation scene at the end that I found upsetting as a kid. Still do, actually!”

Spooky Suggestions Time!

Well, the Halloween Countdown is almost here. Starts 8/30, as most of you know!

That means poor ol’ Dino Drac After Dark will soon spring back into life in a very big way.

For at least the first few weeks, we’ll go with new updates every night. I’ll judge the interest level at that point, and determine if it’d be better to scatter a few new posts throughout the week instead.

Either way, there will be a lot of updates to this section during September and October, so I’m gonna need some SPOOKY VIDEO SUGGESTIONS again!

I’m looking for vids to run on After Dark throughout the Halloween season, so obviously, they should have some tie to it. They don’t have to all be horror movies or spooky cartoons or whatever — just things that “feel right” for the season. Random TV episodes, weird documentaries, video game playthroughs, anything you can dig up!

Please email me your suggestions. Fastest way is dinsoaurdracula at gmail. Email should include:

1) Title of video.
2) Link to video. (YouTube preferred, but Dailymotion is okay, too.)
3) Name you want to be credited as.
4) A 1-2 paragraph description if you feel like adding your own thoughts/memories/whatever. This isn’t mandatory, but I’m happy to include it if you want!

You can also suggest survey topics or whatever else can cover a night on After Dark!

If you submitted videos for a prior season and I never ran them, I do still have those emails and will look back at ’em this year, too.

Thanks in advance to all who participate!

PS: I’ll post a reminder once the season starts, but since the videos that run during the season will mostly be suggestions from After Dark visitors, let’s make it a policy to be nice. If you’re not in the mood to watch the video of the night, or if you’re just “ehh” about it, that’s fine — you’re free to talk about whatever in the comments, as usual. Just avoid acting dismissive towards the vids, because if they’re here, it means they meant something to someone! Think of them as seasonal background noise, at worst!

PPS: Because I’ll be plugging this place once the Countdown starts, I’ll probably start running spooky vids on here about a week prior to the Countdown. This way new peeps won’t be seeing this post, let alone posts from three months ago, when they hit the page!

Holiday Weekend!

Happy holiday weekend, everyone! I’m going on some adventures over the next few days, so I’m not sure how often I’ll have a chance to pop by. That’s why I’m giving ya THREE videos tonight!

The Making of Independence Day (1996)

Garfield on the Town (1983)

The Blair Witch Project (1999)

Pick your poison! Hope everyone has a nice weekend. My goal is to watch Stranger Things 3, win some Pokemon dolls from rigged cranes, and maybe drink something blue.

PS: The first “Summer Saturdays” episode of The Purple Stuff Podcast will be dropping on… well, Saturday. Look for that over the weekend, too!

Yet More Unsolved Mysteries!

Just remembered that there’s a sea of Unsolved Mysteries episodes currently free to watch on YouTube, and it’s a halfway stormy Saturday night, so let’s do this.

I’m just gonna embed two at random. Haven’t dug into them to see if I picked especially good eps, but my stance is, this show has no outright bad eps.

Enjoy! (…with the lights off, preferably.)