Dinosaur Dracula!
  • Make me some spooky art.

    This weekend, I’m leaving the site’s content in your hands.

  • Blue Cheese.

    Here’s Dino Drac, written out in Nickelodeon Floam:  And here’s Dino Drac, written out in Cheez-It Scrabble Junior crackers: And here’s a new feature about random Nintendo memories, because if you only keep up with Dino Drac via RSS, you definitely did not see it. I hope you’re ha

  • New Features on Dino Drac!

    Hi!  It’s been a while! This post is to alert the RSS-only crowd that there are two new features up. Really long ones, too. When I’m rusty, I’m wordy. First, Jimmy Hart gets gunked in the legendary Masters of the Universe Slime Pit, the only playset on record that transformed your f

  • Thursday morning.

    Hi! The deal: Things became really busy over the last few weeks. As busy as I’ve been in a long time, and too busy to run Dino Drac right. Rather than put up really weak no-thought content (yeah, even weaker than a Twizzler robot), I decided to just get through the storm and return t

  • BFCDAW #2: My New Robot.

    It’s time for Bullshit Filler Content Devised At Work #2. This one was important. Today was crazy busy. I knew I wouldn’t have the energy to come up with an original concept after the long commute home. If I wanted to post anything tonight, I needed a BFCDAW miracle. I think it was aro

  • New Feature, & SNT.

    There’s a new feature up. I’m currently ninja editing, so if you act fast, you’ll get to catch so many typos and flat punchlines. It’s about one of my favorite things ever, sincerely. I’m shocked that it’s taken so long for me to do that thing I do with

  • New Feature: Casino Games, for the SMS.

    Mentioning it here for the RSS-only crowd, but also because I don’t know how many people keep an eye on that enormous features banner on the main page. There’s a new one up, about Casino Games, an old title for the Sega Master System. Read it! But I still don’t want these

  • BFCDAW #1: Troll 2 Fan Art.

    Even as Dinosaur Dracula was still under construction, I knew I’d run into issues balancing my professional life with the site. I hoped it wouldn’t happen ten minutes after launching, but it wasn’t a huge surprise when it did. I vowed to incorporate my workday into Dino Drac’s