Halloween Costume Survey!

Yesterday’s survey was so much fun! Even if you didn’t wanna participate, I’d recommend just reading it, because every answer somehow feels like a short story. (You’ll also find great ideas on ways to spend “sleepier” nights during the Halloween season.)

Running that survey also reminded me to, you know, run surveys more often. The months blend together for me, and when After Dark kicked back into gear this season, I kinda forgot that it hadn’t been updated much since the previous Halloween season. The surveys are a great way to reestablish the community aspects of this place, which I’ve always loved, because the regulars here are just super chill.

So, while there will never be a lack of videos on After Dark — it’s what this section was built for, after all — you can expect more surveys and “conversational” threads.

Starting right now!

In the comments, name one Halloween costume that you absolutely HAD TO HAVE as a kid.

I think we all had one of those, right? A situation where your very LIFE seemed to depend on being exactly what you wanted to be for Halloween.

This wasn’t always as easy as it sounds. Years ago, I wrote about my failed attempt to score an ALF costume, which still stands as one of my most vivid Halloween-related childhood memories.

Feel free to be descriptive. You don’t have to just name the character you wanted to be. Tell us why, and give us details on how the search went, what the costume was like, and whether getting to be that character lived up to your expectations.

Looking forward to your answers!